Best gamers in the world know a few things about gaming that we don’t. Also, they take this gaming thing more seriously than you and I, as in, they turn it into a profession, not just a thing to pass some time in the afternoon. This is why some gamers have now achieved legendary statuses. Not just in their virtual worlds, but also in the real world as well.

What Makes A Gamer Great

When it comes to the best gamers in the world, there are a few things that make them who they are. These people are no Lebron James, or Tom Brady, but in their communities, they are gods among people. Not actual gods, but figures that other people look up to for inspiration and fun. The great gamers of today are well paid, extremely famous, and reputable enough to have a history of rising to the top of the charts, not just turning up and becoming so.

-Career - First of all, these best gamers haven’t just turned into famous characters overnight. They’ve mostly been playing the games they excel at forever. With years and years of experience, they’ve been able to grow into who they are today, and make a living out of it.

-Earnings - Speaking of “making a living” out of playing games… what?! Yes, there are people, a lot of people, who’re making millions just by playing games. How? Streaming their performances live, selling merchandise, donations, ads, the list goes on. They do good!

-Fanbase - None of the fame and earnings would be possible for these greatest of games without their fanbase. Great gamers have fan bases of up to millions of diehard fans, who’re there for them with every livestream, or video post, or Instagram Story. Loyalty is key.

The Best Streaming Gamers In The World

Now that we’ve covered the “what makes a gamer great” part of the article, let’s dive right into the matter. Who are the best gamers of today? What makes them so famous? Why are so many people tuning in to their livestreams and staying glued to their screens for hours? Let’s find out!

Tyler Blevins - Ninja - With an estimated income of $17.000.000 (yes, that's 6 zeros!) Tyler Blevins, or Ninja, is the best earning gamer of the last few years. This gamer was everywhere in 2019, before the pandemic, including Red Bull cans, Walmart bedding, acting for NFL commercials, the list is endless. He's a Microsoft exclusive gamer now, and his main goal is to rebuild the livestreaming industry. He's doing a great job at it!

Felix Kjellberg - PewDiePie - There's no gaming fan on this planet who's never heard about this particular Swedish gamer. Felix Kjelberg, or PewDiePie, is a controversial Youtuber and gamer, with many comments of his reaching the different boards of the authorities. Still, he's the master of gaming streamers, with more than 4,5 billion views in 2019, and estimated revenue of $15 million from them. Just... wow!

Preston Arsement - This particular gamer is not just a player of Minecraft, but also a vlogger. Preston is a popular Youtuber and hosts annual in-game spending lives within Minecraft, his favourite title. His estimated earnings are at around $14 million per year. Now that's a lot of revenue from building stuff out of virtual blocks in a video game...

Mark Fischbach - Markiplier - With estimated earnings of up to $14 million in 2019, Markiplier is famous for his humour and over-the-top scary reactions to his horror gaming. He's got some viral stuff to his name, like his walkthrough titles such as Amnesia: The Dark Descent, but he's also popular with some YouTube Original content, like the "A Heist with Markiplier'' movie.

Michael Grzesiek - Shroud - Last, but not least, we've got Shroud, or Michael Grzesiek, to finalise this top of best gamers in the world. He's made $12,5 million from gaming in 2019, and his best trait is, he's never getting too attached to just one title. This has made Shroud a favorite with the most important developers of games on Earth, like EA, Ubisoft, or Activision Blizzard. Shroud is also a clothes designer, promoting his own brand made by Jinx.

Best Professional Gamers

We’ve talked about the best gamers on the planet as in, the best streamers on the planet, based on their revenue. But let’s not forget the legends of the eSports communities, the gamers who’re playing for glory, and fame. When it comes to the best professional gamers, you’ve got Jaedong, the master of Starcraft: Brood War, Flash, his most notorious enemy, Jonathan Wendel, mister Fatal1ty himself and the master of Quake 3 and Counter-Strike, the list goes on.