The video game, Final Fantasy VII, is an action-packed adventure that follows the story of Avalanche, a group fighting against Shinra to prevent the absorption of energy from Mako. The main character, Cloud, is a former Shinra elite and an important recruit for Avalanche.
List of features:
36 new achievements to unlock
Cloud save feature for playing from anywhere
Character Booster to help progress through difficult challenges
Who should buy it?
This game is suitable for individuals who enjoy role-playing games and action-packed adventures. It is a must-have for fans of the Final Fantasy series and those who appreciate a good story-line. The game's features provide a challenging but rewarding experience for both new and experienced gamers alike.
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OS: Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7 (32/64bits) Processor:2GHz Memory:1 GB RAM Graphics:DirectX 9.0c-compatible graphic card DirectX®:9.0c Hard Drive:3 GB HD space Requires a Square Enix account.
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Final Fantasy VII
80% of 100
1ReviewAdd Your Review
Final Fantasy VII introduces Avalanche, a group fighting against Shinra to save energy. Cloud, a former Shinra elite, is a key member.
OS: Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7 (32/64bits) Processor:2GHz Memory:1 GB RAM Graphics:DirectX 9.0c-compatible graphic card DirectX®:9.0c Hard Drive:3 GB HD space Requires a Square Enix account.
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We are committed to providing excellent service while helping you save money, and we believe in complete transparency. Rest assured, there are no hidden fees when you shop with us.
Customer Support 7 Days a Week
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Final Fantasy VII
80% of 100
1ReviewAdd Your Review
Final Fantasy VII introduces Avalanche, a group fighting against Shinra to save energy. Cloud, a former Shinra elite, is a key member.
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